uuuhhhm uhhh this is me

hello! my name is corbin, better known as shoob. i'm 0 years, 0 day(s), 0 hour(s), 0 minute(s), and 0 second(s) old. i currently reside in the southeast united states, although that is subject to change in the future. i work in a big smelly warehouse and i rent a house just outside of a city.

i do a lot of things, but i'm not particularly good at any of them. for example: i wrote this site from scratch because i am insane, but it could be better...

i also like to write chiptune music from time to time, and i upload my favorite stuff to youtube (refer to link page). i much prefer writing music to producing creative stuff in the visual domain, but i may just be over critical of myself idk :shrug: